Privacy Policy

Clauthentic by Wardah is dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. We collect data you provide voluntarily for purposes such as order processing and account management, ensuring it is not sold to third parties for marketing. We also use cookies for an improved user experience and to analyze website traffic. While we take security measures to protect your data, please be aware that no method of online transmission is entirely secure. This policy is effective as of November 15, 2023 and governs your use of our website; continued use implies your acceptance of the policy. For further inquiries or concerns, reach out to us at Clauthentic By Wardah

We collect personal information, including your name, email address, postal address, and phone number, when you provide it voluntarily during account creation, order placement, or other interactions on our website. Additionally, we may gather non-personal information such as your IP address, browser type, and device information.

Your personal information is used for order processing, account management, and communication about our products, services, and promotions. We do not sell or disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. Non-personal information may be used for website analysis and improvement.